
Real-time Customer Profiler: Retarget Leads With The Highest Chance To Convert

realtime customer profiler

Ecommerce businesses today are growing by the minute as the demand calls for it. That means an expanding market size that brands are vying to capture.

And to best capture is to be able to convey your value, that too repeatedly. For prospects that latch on to your brand, make sure there is no room for lapse with building effective retargeting campaigns on Verfacto (even without cookies).  

Hawk-eyed on opportunities: How to retarget for maximum ROAS?

While retargeting is a strategic way of reinvigorating audience interest, not every person would want to do business with you. The result? Low ROAS due to targeting low-intent audiences.

Targeting the right audience is critical – focusing not on “low-intent” leads but on audiences with an “unfulfilled” buying intent – which can generate better engagements, conversions and ultimately higher ROAS on your campaigns. 

How Verfacto Does Advanced Retargeting Differently And More Effectively?

Verfacto uses a tracking script to capture data about the customers who visit your site, which further helps you segregate the data into a number of actionable attributes (more than 30+ data points) for advanced targeting. 

it is a one-time-job to set up custom audiences according to criteria/attributes and all Meta and Google tracking will get up to date with your customer’s historical profile and campaigns (either look-a-like or retargeting). Real-time customer profiler sync new acquired data to PPC platforms as a user visits a website. Once the data flow is setup, the audience are automatically synced. It can be RFM segments, loyalty based or any other metric that is required by eshops. 

Without it, you have to manually upload customer lists which would mean these lists would never be up to date.

Eager to reach the audience that’ll make business happen for you?

  • Verfacto retrieves raw and aggregate data to create real-time customer profiles.

  • Selecting attributes to set up your custom audiences is just a one-time work with Verfacto.

  • It automatically keeps updating your social ad platforms with customer profiles (for both custom and lookalike audiences).
  • Identify and exclude  negative audiences (low purchase intent) with Verfacto.

  • Utilize the exclusionary rules to weed out unrelated, and unprofitable, segments.

  • Exclude self-defined customers with infrequent visits to or those searching for keywords irrelevant to what you offer. 
  • Verfacto helps you deep-dive into your customers’ buying intent.

  • Use RFM segments or Super lookalikes to market to your best and prospective customers.

  • Empower the marketing team by integrating real-time data with other marketing tools: Klaviyo, Google Optimize, Hubspot, Meta Pixel, Google Pixel, etc.

Some of the popularly used natural segments on Verfacto include:

RFM segments. You can send RFM (recency, frequency and monetary value) segments directly to the ad platforms (Google, meta) to get instant benefits of advanced segmentation. 

In addition to more accurate targeting by default, this format also provides marketers with customization, flexibility and reduced time otherwise spent on manually setting their audiences for each campaign. 

Super lookalikes. Typically for lookalikes, marketers use website visitors or all of the customers. With Verfacto you can use your best customers as lookalikes. On Verfacto, your best customers are  

    • High-frequency buyers (F=4-5)
    • Champions from RFM 
    • Very recent customers (R=5). This also helps you follow seasonal trends. 
super lookalikes

Implementation Process

To create super lookalike audiences you need to follow these simple steps. If you have ever created a custom audience, this process will be very familiar. 

Step 1: Get mailing lists  from Verfacto’s backoffice RFM segments. Depending on the size of your shop, you can use one targeted group or combine a few of them into one.

Step 2: Go to Meta business and press “Create Audience” and choose “Customer list”.

Step 3: This mailing list does not need to follow a template. No preparation is needed, so press “next”.

Step 4: Verfacto lists will have value included, so for this step mark “Yes” and press “Next”

Step 5: Upload a document and create a title. Press “Next”

Step 6: Review the panel if everything is is correct and press “Next”

Step 7: From here you can start creating lookalike super lookalike audiences or use it as a regular custom audience.

Spot-on Strategies and Attribution Powered By Verfacto

As the internet builds stronger ropes around customer privacy and security, it renders cookies as greatly a non-viable option for effective targeting. 

However, brands with access to first-party data are rather at a competitive advantage as they know who their best customers are, who they want to nurture and who are non-responsive to their business and thus can be excluded. This makes targeting precise and campaigns exclusive, all along with keeping costs under control.

And with  Verfacto’s real-time profiler, you can automate the entire process, shifting your focus from “reaching the right customers” to “making successful conversations happen.”

Eager to reach the audience that’ll make business happen for you?

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